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Blood Cleaner

Concept 500

Ray & Jenny Jardine

Contents of the BC Package

Contents of our Blood Cleaning package (the battery is a separate item, not included in the package).

Video: Blood Cleaner. (Note: the battery and charger are no longer included)

BC-500 Upgrade from the old BC-300

BC-500 Turbo Switch

The new BC-500 is the result of months of work. I revised the circuity, completely, with new components and a brand new layout. The circuity alone took me two months, to get just right - and so that it would fit onto the same size 300 board.

I figured out how to run the Blood Cleaner on half the voltage. So that's what the new circuity is for. And the Turbo switch doubles it.

In addition, we have improved the design of the BC probes wrappers. They now have a double layer on one side (as before), and a single layer on the other side - for people with less skin resistance.

Most people will set the switch to the left, the "Normal Use" setting. That uses less power, and prolongs the battery. If you turn the dial all the way, and still can't feel the tingling, try setting the switch to the right, the "Turbo" mode. Also, the BC-500 makes nano-silver faster in the Turbo mode.

Whatever the switch setting, the idea is to turn the dial until you feel the tingling, indicating that the electrical current is penetrating the skin and going down to the nerves. Because the radial artery is so close under the skin, in that area of the wrist underside, then it's also going into the artery.

By the same token, if you don't feel the tingling, then the current is not penetrating the skin, and not going down into the nerves, and it's not cleaning the blood. However, don't set the dial too high, to a painful level; because too much current can burn the skin.

The "Normal Use" setting and the "Turbo" mode, and the single and double layers of the BC probes wrappers, are meant to accommodate a wide range of skin conductance. Some people have thicker skin. But the main factor is your body hydration. If you are well hydrated, by drinking lots of water, you will require much less current. OR, if your body hydration is low, the BC will take much more current to drive the electrical pulse into your artery.

The tingling of the Blood Cleaner is killing pathogens in the blood, and those dead pathogens are swept into the kidneys for filtration. The kidneys then excrete the dead pathogens into the urine. So that's why it's so important to drink lots of water when using the Blood Cleaner.

Proof of Concept

How do we know the Blood Cleaner works?

Most people have a host of pathogens in their bloodstream.

Pathogens ("germs") = microorganisms (microbes) that cause disease (infectious agents) such as bacteria, fungi, protista (protozoa), viruses, and prions.

And most people believe that these harmful microorganisms are too small to see, even with a microscope. Wrong!.

Bacteria, fungi, and protozoa are easily visible with a powerful dark-field microscope. I have such a microscope in my lab, and and can see the pathogens in a blood sample. And I have seen, first hand, the huge difference in pathogen count before and after using the Blood Cleaner.

We know that the Blood Cleaner works because:

I know that the Blood Cleaner works because I can see the results. Before using the Blood Cleaner, the pathogens are visible in the blood. After using it for a while, the blood is clean.

Say you had spaghetti for dinner, then you washed the dishes. How do you know that the dishes are free of spaghetti? You can see that they don't have spaghetti on them anymore.

Blood treated with the Blood Cleaner looks sparkling clean.

Note that, although the pathogens can be seen with a dark-field microscope swimming around in live blood, the lab technicians can not identify exactly what type they are. (And note, also, that viruses are visible only with an electron microscope.) But when a doctor sends blood samples to the lab for analysis, the technicians dry the blood and use special stains that make a certain type of bacteria stand out. What type of stain they use depends on what type of pathogens they are looking for.

and we know that the Blood Cleaner works because:

The second way that we know that the Blood Cleaner works is by what would happen if used for an hour on the first day, at the very start of a course. This would cause a flood of dead pathogens that would surly exceed the person's body's flushing capabilities. So it would very likely make the person sick. I have experienced this; it has happened to Jenny; and we have received reports of it happening to other people. I use the term "bonking" to describe the Blood Cleaner making the person sick by using it for too long at the start.

If the Blood Cleaner causes a person to become sick (bonk), then the device is working. It's killing more pathogens than the liver, spleen, kidneys, and lymph can flush, creating a dead-pathogen overload.

Despite its small size, our unit is extremely powerful, and it takes at least a week of gradual buildup in order to avoid the flood of dead pathogens which would overwhelm the body's flushing capabilities.

So again I recommend starting with only ten minutes the first day, and then gradually ramping up over the several days, until finally reaching an hour per day. If you start with short sessions, and drink lots of water before, during, and after use, you should notice no adverse effects.

The Blood Cleaner by Ray and Jenny Jardine. A small oscilloscope shows the output pulsed waveform.

Note that we do not claim that the Blood Cleaner will cure Coronavirus infections. The Blood Cleaner will destroy any virus found in a person's bloodstream. It will not destroy viruses found in the other parts of the body. However, the lack of pathogens in a person's blood greatly strengthens the immune system. That's why the Blood Cleaner can be effective against colds, flu, and other viral infections. The body no longer has to fight pathogens in the blood, so is much better able to combat pathogens in the rest of the body.

History of Development

Sixty years ago, a team of medical doctors invented a procedure for taking infected blood out of a person's body, and treating it with a certain type of electric current. They discovered that this type of current kills the pathogens in that blood.

This worked because blood is highly conductive, electrically, owing mainly to its high salt content. In fact, most of the salt in a person's body is contained in the Blood. And also because the pathogens are tiny and very susceptible to being shocked.

Twenty-five years ago, a couple of scientists wrote a paper describing a method of inserting a pair of electrical probes into a person's arteries, and how this had the same effect of killing pathogens in the bloodstream. The advantage was that the person's blood could remain in the body.

Then a few years later, Mr. Bob B., a brilliant engineer, developed a micro-current waveform that would send these currents through the skin and into the arteries, when the probes were placed externally on the skin. This new method was super effective, and the man spent his last years promoting his method and treating hundreds of patients who had all manner of medical problems.

Sadly the man passed away, and later I spent a few years improving his device, making it more powerful, micro-miniaturizing the circuitry, and making it available again to the general public. Why me? Because the device has made such a huge difference in my life. And too, I am an aerospace engineer and can understand how the circuitry works; and also I know how to mirco-miniaturize the device with the latest technology. With this Blood Cleaner I am carrying the ball unfortunately and sadly dropped by Mr. Bob B.

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