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Blood Cleaner

Concept 500

Ray & Jenny Jardine

How to Use

To start a Blood Cleaner course, begin with only 10 minutes your first day, then increase the time by 5 or 10 minutes each day, until reaching an hour (or more). Then continue with hour daily schedule for one month (or more). Also, drink a glass of Nano-silver water each day. Then repeated as needed, once or more each year or two.

How do you know that the device is working?

You will feel a slight tingling on your skin underneath the two probes. The tingling is caused by the pulsed micro-currents - coming from the probes, going through the skin, and into the arteries of the wrist. You control the degree of tingling with a dial on the device. This should be set only at the comfort level - not too high, but also not to low.


My Blood Cleaner (BC) development work has been focused on Lyme type Diseases. When a hiker becomes ill with a tick born disease, I recommend taking the usual doctor prescribed antibiotics. I do not mean for the Blood Cleaner to take the place of the antibiotics. But if the person has taken a full course of antibiotics, or two, and is still symptomatic but not allowed to take more, then the Blood Cleaner might be worth its weight in gold. And this is my intent. It worked for me and many other people.

And too, I've received reports of hikers using the Blood Cleaner while taking the doctor prescribed antibiotics. I don't see any harm with the two used together.

The BC has also worked for getting rid of Malaria protozoans in my body, when I was deeply infected and having yearly relapses that were getting worse all the time. The BC brought an end to those awful relapses.

The Blood Cleaner can be used, also, by healthy people, to provide a boost to the immune system.

Everyone knows the benefits of taking a shower, brushing teeth, washing dishes, and doing laundry. These regular activities help get rid of the germs (pathogens) on the body, in the mouth, on the dishes, and in the clothes. The Blood Cleaner does the same for a person's blood.

Everyone has harmful microorganisms in their blood. And most everyone could live in better heath without them.

And with better health comes more energy, physically and mentally (in body and brain).

What's wrong with pathogens in the blood?

What's wrong with pathogens in the blood, if everybody has them?

1) They can they cause disease.

"Yes, but I'm not sick," you might think.

Pathogens in the blood can degrade body's immune system, making you more susceptible to catching colds, flu, strep throat, and a host of other more serious diseases.

List of Diseases Caused by Pathogens

Pathogens ("germs") = microorganisms (microbes) that cause disease (infectious agents) such as bacteria, fungi, protista (protozoa), viruses, and prions.


The vast majority of bacteria are harmless or beneficial, but a relatively small list of can cause infectious diseases.

Some examples of pathogenic bacteria diseases: Botulism, Bubonic Plague, Diphtheria, Diphtheria, Gonorrhea, Leprosy, Lyme, Malaria, Meningitis, Pneumonia, Rheumatic Fever, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Salmonella, Septic Arthritis, Syphilis, Tetanus, Traveler's Diarrhea, Tuberculosis, Typhoid Fever, Urinary Tract Infection.

Pathogenic bacteria are usually treated with antibiotics.


Some examples of viral diseases: Chickenpox, Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), Cold sores, Colorado tick fever, Common Cold, Dengue fever, Ebola, Encephalitis, Epstein-Barr, Hantavirus, Herpes, HIV (causes AIDS), Influenza (flu), Tick-borne encephalitis, Measles, Meningitis, Mononucleosis, Mumps, Nano-Virus, Pneumonia, Polio, Rabies, Rotavirus, Rubella, Shingles, Smallpox, Syphilis, West Nile fever (encephalitis), Yellow Fever, Zika.

Viruses are usually treated with antiviral compounds.

A list of diseases caused by pathogens. Another list.

The Common Cold

The Common Cold is caused by cold viruses entering the body, dodging the body's immune system, and invading cells of the upper respiratory tract. These viruses replicate in the cells, then spread via the bloodstream. The Blood Cleaner can destroy these viruses in the bloodstream. However, a strong immune system will never let them get started, in the first place. Regular use of the Blood Cleaner can vastly strengthen a person's immune system, to the point where the person never get colds (flu, strep throat, etc).

The last time I (Ray) had a cold or flu was 22 years ago, before I started using the device. This might be coincidence, but personally I think it is because killing pathogens in the blood gives the body's immune system a huge boost. And so the immune system can better fight off such ailments.

Please note that we are not claiming the device will cure the common cold. Our only claim is that the device kills or disables pathogens in the blood, and thereby strengthens the person's immune system.

Symptoms of the common cold are mostly due to the body's immune response to the infection, rather than to cell destruction by the viruses themselves. Using the Blood Cleaner for too much time at the start can also cause some of the same symptoms, as the body tries to get rid of a flood of dead pathogens. We call this effect "bonking" and it is an immune response as well.


Malaria is transmitted by the bite of a mosquito infected with protozoans (single-celled microorganisms) of the Plasmodium type. The recommended treatment is a combination of antimalarial medications, but drug resistance among the parasites has developed to several of the antimalarial medications. In an infected person, the protozoans reside primarily in the blood and liver, where they invade the cells and multiply.

The Blood Cleaner will kill these Malaria sporozoites in the bloodstream.

I contracted malaria during our round-the-world sailing trip "Global Voyage" and subsequently experienced yearly relapses. These relapses happened during our kayaking and hiking journeys, and became more severe each time. The doctors could do nothing, but then I discovered the Blood Cleaner (an older model). I used the device for two months, and it thankfully freed me of the disease and brought an end to the relapses.

Note: Malaria sporozoites and the infected red blood cells are visible in a powerful dark-field microscope.

Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease, also known as Lyme borreliosis, is an infectious disease caused by the bite of a tick which has been infected with bacteria of the Borrelia type.

A doctor-prescribed course of antibiotics, started soon after the bite, can be quite effective. But if the person does not take the antibiotics soon enough, or not at all, then the disease can become quite serious.

The Blood Cleaner can be very effective at killing Borrelia type bacteria in a person's blood.

Please note that we are not claiming the device will cure Lyme Disease. Our only claim is that the device kills or disables pathogens in the blood, and thereby strengthens the person's immune system.

We also do not recommend using the Blood Cleaner in lieu of taking the doctor-prescribed antibiotics. We recommend taking the antibiotics as the first line of defense.

But sometimes the person is left with persistent symptoms, even after taking the full course of antibiotics. And at some point, the doctor will forbid taking more. This is where the the Blood Cleaner can come into it's own. It is an option when all other options run out.

Borrelia bacteria spirochetes are visible in a person's bloodstream using a powerful dark-field microscope. I use such a microscope in my lab.

In 2009 I contracted Lyme Disease while hiking the Appalachian Trail. Even after the usual six-weeks course of antibiotics, the disease had taken root in the body and was not letting go. The doctors forbade any more antibiotics, and chronic fatigue began to set in. I had not used the Blood Cleaner for a few years, so I began using it daily. The Blood Cleaner ate my chronic fatigue syndrome for lunch, and ten days later I started hiking and even running.

Today I have more energy than ever, and because the Blood Cleaner worked so well for me, I have, in turn, worked hard on the device, making it even more powerful, miniaturizing the circuitry, and making it available to other people in need.

White Blood Cells

If the body's white blood cells get rid of pathogens, why are there so many pathogens left remaining in the person's blood?

Certain aspects of this are poorly understood by science, but in essence, when a pathogen first enters the bloodstream, the white blood cells of the immune system check out its antigens and determine if the cell is foreign. If yes, then the white blood cells produce antibodies that coat antigens on the invading pathogens and supposedly destroy them. However, these pathogens have evolved over millions of years to trick the white blood cells into letting some of them stay. If not too many, they can live in a subdued state. But otherwise they can overwhelm the bodies defense systems and make the person sick. And that's why the Blood Cleaner is so effective. The pathogens have not evolved any defense against the pulsed electric currents of the Blood Cleaner. Electric currents in the bloodstream are something new, in terms of millions of years of evolution, and so the pulsed currents can and do kill the pathogens. The white blood cells then recognize these dead micro-organisms foreign, and work to flush them out.

Why don't the pulsed electric currents kill the white blood cells? The blood cells, white and red, are not alive, per se. They don't reproduce like pathogens do. The pulsed electric currents destroy pathogens, but have no effect on the red and white blood cells.

Too Much Time to Begin With

The Blood Cleaner is a very powerful electro-medical device and should not be taken lightly. A person should start with only 10 minutes a day, and increase the time, day by day, but only in small increments. As the device kills pathogens in the blood, the white blood cells then have to flush them out. The person's system can flush only so many at a time. A flood of dead pathogens can overwhelm the eliminative organs (kidneys, liver, spleen, and lymphatic system) and make a person sick. Better to have them out - but not too many, too fast. And once again, the body needs lots of water during the flushing process.


I also designed the strap so that the unit can be used while hiking, biking, or whatever. And in fact I plan to carry one with me on the AT and TD, and use it every now an then. And you can bet that if I ever start noticing ticks or signs of Lyme Disease on the body, I will put the unit into immediate service. I don't intend for the Blood Cleaner to replace the usual course of antibiotics. But knowing how serious these type of diseases can be, and how powerful the unit is, it would be foolish not to use the two together.

Also while hiking and biking, I plan to use the device with the nano-silver probes to purify drinking water on occasion. I have much yet to write about this aspect of the device.

I designed and built this jig to test the components of the new Concept 300 during an intermediate step of manufacturing. The circuit board being tested is in my right hand. Not shown are the 27 micro-components on the back side. But the two LED's lit-up indicate that the board's circuits are working.


Bonking is my term for making oneself sick by using the Blood Cleaner for too much time to begin with. Bonking feels like an illness - flu, a cold, or just a runny nose - depending on the severity of the reaction. But actually it's not an illness. It's just the body's method of dealing with the massive overload of dead pathogens by using its eliminative measures. These eliminative measures mimic an illness. The respiratory system may produce mucus to flush the toxins (dead pathogens) from the body. the skin is sometimes used to eliminate through sweating and eruptions. The body might resort to vomiting or diarrhea, and all the rest. Of course, the kidneys, liver, and lymph are pressed into the upmost service. If using the Blood Cleaner makes you sick, that is bonking, not a sickness. This toxic overload is a healing crisis, the body attempts to dumps large amounts of waste.

Bonking is a sure sign that the Blood Cleaner is working, and also that the person has a substantial pathogen count in the blood.

But bonking is no fun, so use the Blood Cleaner for no more than 10 minutes to start with, and each day increase the time by small increments.

When you have worked up to an hour, your blood will be largely pathogen free, as indicated by the lack of bonking.

Nano Silver

Our Blood Cleaner also can make Nano Silver in a glass of water. Drinking this will kill pathogens in the Upper GI (gastrointestinal) tract. Our instructions provide the details.

Video: Making a glass of Nano-Silver from Tap Water in 26 seconds with Ray and Jenny's Blood Cleaner. Shot in real time, not sped up.

Uses of Nano-Silver

"I found a bulls eye rash on my leg and was diagnosed with early stage Lyme disease. The doctors started me on Doxycycline 100mg twice a day. I think that is standard treatment. I purchased a blood cleaner and used it faithfully 30 days. With the antibiotics and the blood cleaner, I have been free from Lyme's symptoms. I would like to continue using the blood cleaner for another 30 days just to make sure all residual organisms get taken care of. After I am done using the blood cleaner my wife would like to use it as well. I am a very satisfied Ray-Way customer. Tarp, net-tent, knife, backpack, pad kit, bat wings, quilt." - Ron S., VA

"When I get some time I would like to write a detailed account of my personal experience of using the Blood Cleaner, but in brief it is truly amazing, I feel so much more robust/stronger. This winter I have been shrouded by people with colds, flu, and odd and new bugs, and have managed so far to avoid getting any of them. Amazing!" -Martin L., UK

"Four Thumbs Up on the Blood-Cleaner. I just wanted to let you know that this is the 2nd healthcare professional that I've seen within the past week who, upon learning of your device, encouraged me to continue using it, saying that it sounds plausible as a treatment for blood-borne pathogens. I would not have stopped using it regardless of their recommendations. But I was cheered by that and wanted to share that with you. Thank you for your time and expertise. I appreciate you and all the things you do more than you'll ever know." -Donna C.

"Hello Ray and Jenny,

Just wanted to let you know that I made a choice 100% on my own to start the Blood Cleaner, I have decided things can't get much worse for me, and I have nothing to lose and there is nothing left for me to try, and that after ten months of Antibiotics, Realistically not much has changed, and the suffering still goes on, and it's no life, and I gotta move on, only I know how I really feel.

So I went 100% Fruits and Vegetables, not one single cheat, not even a grain of salt, I have never ate this healthy in my entire life! And today is my 30th day! Not going to get into how I felt, but wasn't the easiest, but so glad I did it!!

I started the Blood Cleaner one week ago today, and chose that day because two weeks ago I went off of the drugs, which I don't believe I will go back on.

The Blood Cleaner is working Wonderful, as well as making the Nano silver, now I just got to and look forward to Great results! I'm as well drinking tons of Water!! I know there is no guarantee that this will work for everybody, but I'm very Positive!!!

I'm so impressed with this unit, and means a lot to me knowing they are hand made by you two very intelligent people!! You two are amazing in what you have accomplished in your life!! I read a lot about the both of you on line, and look forward to reading your Books, when I will have my concentration and Eyes not being so strained back someday soon ( I strongly believe).

I bought another 300 just to put away, and use it in good health. Everyone should have one of these, healthy or not! It just all makes so much common sense.

Once again Thank you Both so much!

-Sherry R. Canada

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