Ray-Way Products

Make Your Own
Hiking and Camping Gear


Customer Comments

Powered by Ray's "raptor_engine, ver 5" written and scripted by R. Jardine


Ray-Way Products

We Make Kits for Sewing Your Own
Lightweight Outdoor Gear

Contrary to common belief, you do not need to equip yourself with store-bought gear. You can make your own. And when you do, you gain a tremendous sense of freedom from today's consumer mentality - where the products are heavily advertised, expensive, and yet cheaply mass-produced. Making it yourself is about saving money, making it right - without using any cheap materials or manufacturing short-cuts - and using outdoor gear that you can be truly proud of.

Our kits contain only the finest and lightest synthetic materials.

We design our kits for ease of sewing
and provide detailed, step-by-step instructions with many illustrations

Many people believe they lack the ability to use a sewing machine.
This is nonsense.
Please read Why Sew?

Literally thousands of people have completed our kits without problems, most with no sewing experience. All that is required is a bit of patience, and the determination to follow our instructions carefully.

Why Sew? * Sewing Tips * The Integrity Paradigm

See our Order Form for additional info.

My home-made Ray-Way gear is A+ professional in function, looks, design, and strength! Not to mention lasting over 9 years of all year around heavy use!" - James G., CA

Customer Comments

Tuesday, 11th of June, 2024 We are well stocked on materials and kits for everything listed on our Order Form. We have loads of materials, and the insulation is factory-fresh, as always.

“I suspect what keeps most - if not all - of us coming back to the "Ray-Way" is a simple thing called TRUST! We know that what Ray & Jenny offer actually works, and does so most efficiently. They've been there, done that and the rest of us benefit from those years of amassed wisdom.” -Chris A.

Trail Life

"The best backpacking book ever written"
-Robert K.

Ray Jardine's Lightweight Backpacking

Ray's book covers the essentials of Lightweight hiking, including packweight and equipment, clothing and footwear, nourishment and physical conditioning, and the myriad topics that contribute to these basics. There are chapters on the safety of lightweight hiking and on pack-weight evolution. There are several gear chapters, including the Backpack, Tarp, and Quilt.

There are chapters on wilderness skills such as Stealth Camping, Campfire and Cook-fire, Knots for the Hiker. Jenny has written a chapter for women hikers, from a woman's perspective. There are chapters on foot care, creek fording, snow travel, snakes and bears, to name just a few.

"Once every two or three decades a book comes along that fundamentally reshapes how we think. Jardine's is such a work. Page after page, Jardine brilliantly flips the sacred cows of backpacking on their heads. Every suggestion comes from experience: Jardine has hiked the PCT three times, the Appalachian Trail and the Continental Divide Trail. Get a copy. It could change your trail life." -Backpacker magazine

"Trail Life could be the most important book about backpacking that you will ever read.

"There are a few names that have revolutionized the sport of backpacking, Ed Garvey, Colin Fletcher, Harvey Manning and of course the Master of lightweight backpacking Ray Jardine. Ray's book 'Beyond Backpacking' revolutionized long distance backpacking by showing hikers how to cut the weight out and exploding myths about heavy equipment. Much of the lightweight backpacking equipment and styles today were inspired by Ray and his groundbreaking book. Now Ray and his hiking partner and wife Jenny have revised and updated that classic book with Trail Life. Trail Life is chock full of lightweight hiking ideas that will further revolutionize the sport.

"This is the most comprehensive long distance hiking guide ever written.
"The author and his wife have hiked well over 25,000 miles and all the well known trails as well as a myriad of other trails. Their experiences will prove to be an invaluable guide for those who love to hike and those who seek the solitude of the woods."
-Roger Williamson


Ray-Way "Sew It Yourself" Kit

Used at camp or home for sleeping at night. It works like a sleeping bag, but is open underneath you. You lie on your foam pad and drape the quilt over you like a blanket. But unlike a blanket, the quilt is contoured, so that it molds to the shape of your body.

Our quilt design is much more efficient in terms of its reduced weight and bulk, because it eliminates the useless part of the sleeping bag flattened beneath you. It is just as warm as the most expensive sleeping bag of comparable thickness, yet can be made at reasonable cost - even by those with little sewing experience.

Our Quilt Kit comes in one-person and two-person models, and contains the finest and lightest synthetic materials, and complete, step by step illustrated sewing instructions. The sewing is not difficult. See Why Sew? and Sewing Tips

"When people are worried about the feasibility of going ultralight, the Ray-Way Quilts are exhibit number one in convincing them that ultralight is not about skimping on safety and comfort. Not only are the quilts lighter than conventional equipment, but they are better: every bit as warm, easier to adjust to comfort, less constricting, and more adaptable to multiple uses (e.g., as a blanket around camp). The kits were straightforward to put together with clear instructions taking you through the process step-by-step. I am an ultra-satisfied customer." -Scott  G.

"I have been using a quilt with the alpine upgrade for around two years now. It is my only quilt and performs far better than any sleeping bag I have ever used. The kit was easy to assemble and has greatly improved the way I sleep in the wilds. I find I can regulate my temperature in my sleep and I don't have to wake up to zip and unzip like I do with a sleeping bag. I highly recommend a quilt to anyone serious about backpacking." -Josh E.

Our Quilt Kits also make wonderful "blankets" for beds. You can make them full width and length, and with no leg taper or foot pocket. For use at home, or as gifts to loved ones. Due to its light weight, you might be amazed how comfortable a quilt "blanket" is to sleep under. Fabulous!


For carrying the quilt in a Ray-Way backpack while hiking. This stowbag is ultralight, waterproof, economical, and easy to sew. All our kits include detailed and illustrated sewing instructions.

Storage Bag Kit

Ray-Way "Sew It Yourself" Kit

For storing the quilt at home. This simple bag is made with a synthetic and lightweight, and highly breathable fabric - just the thing for storing your quilt between adventures. The storage bag will keep your quilt clean and bug-free, and will help retard mildew and odors. And best of all, the storage bag is large enough that it will not crush the insulation. Makes excellent gifts, or a "starter" project for someone learning to sew.

Sleeping-Pad Kit

(kit) This Kit will allow you to modify a foam pad so that it fits folded snugly inside your Ray-Way Backpack. The kit comes with detailed instructions. Not included in the kit, you will need to buy a foam pad from your local sporting goods or department store for modification with this kit.


Ray-Way "Sew It Yourself" Kit

For anyone who would like to sleep warmer and more comfortably in the wilds. The Ray-Way Tarp is simple in appearance, yet will outperform even the most sophisticated tents in a wide variety of weather and terrain, when used according to the instructions in the Ray-Way Tarp Book Essential. This tarp is about a fourth the weight of even the lighter tents, and it offers at least twice the living space. And even though this tarp is open all around, it is probably warmer than the tent you are using. Why? Because of the tarp's superior ventilation. A tent traps moisture - even one with extra-large vents) - and on a cold night that moisture saps your body heat (conducts your body warmth away from you).

The Ray-Way Tarp comes in "Sew-it-Yourself" Kit form. The Kit includes all the materials, and detailed and illustrated sewing instructions. Sewing this kit is not difficult. Please see Why Sew?.

"I just finished my Ray-Way Tarp Kit. It was my first sewing project, the first time I've used a sewing machine, and the first time I stepped out of my, "Oh, I can't do that..." comfort level. The tarp rocks! I cannot believe how easy it really is. For any readers wondering if it'll be too much work please, please go for it! Take it one stitch at a time. The instructions are simply amazing. And the best part: Holding something in your hands that, 1) you made, 2) that you now know you can customize and change, 3) and that you can repair if or when needed. Take it from someone who'd never threaded a sewing machine before... you can do it!" -Zane D.

"This weekend my wife and I took our newly constructed Ray-Way tarp to the desert for its inaugural voyage. We particularly enjoyed sleeping under the tarp which allowed us to enjoy the night without sweltering inside our old claustrophobic tent. Not to mention leaving four unnecessary pounds at home and the deeper connection to the landscape of stars and sounds of the night." -Ben T.

"After a tremendous rainstorm one night, we were totally dry using our Ray-Way tarp. Some friends who had camped in their 3-season tent were soaked. Thanks for a new frame of reference." -Jim H.

"Using the Ray-Way tarp in the high Wasatch Mountains, we experienced the first winter storm. 1.57 inches of moisture in the form of rain, sleet, hail and eight inches of snow. I pitched the tarp using the two pole Ray-Way method. My tarp was one of three structures out of eight that did not sustain any damage and collapse from the wet snow. In the morning I had 18 inches of snow piled on each side of the tarp, but not a drop of water inside! If I had any questions about the design of the tarp, they were answered last Friday night." -John M. Venture Crew 9112 Advisor, US.Army.Mil


Ray-Way "Sew It Yourself" Kit

The Ray-Way Net-Tent is a lightweight enclosure made of netting that clips very simply under a Ray-Way Tarp Kit for keeping the insects at bay.

Our Ray-Way Net-Tent comes in several designs and sizes: please see our Order Form:

Quadratic Sewing Video

(Video) Jenny demonstrates the complete construction of the Quadratic Net-Tent kit.

Run time 45 minutes.


Ray-Way "Sew It Yourself" Kit

A door that closes-off one end of the Ray-Way tarp, used on those stormy nights when the wind would slant rain a ways into the interior. Our BatWing is lightweight and is quick and easy to set up. It works with or without a Net-Tent or Spitfire, and is adjustable depending on the geometry of the tarp pitch - whether you pitch your tarp higher or lower.

Tarp Book Essential

This book explains how to camp with a Ray-Way Tarp - safely and enjoyably when backpacking or hiking, sea-kayaking, canoeing, bicycle or motorcycle touring, scouting and so forth.

312 information-packed pages, a few hundred B/W photos, and lavishly illustrated

The book includes the history of the Ray-Way Tarp design, and explains why Ray and Jenny enjoy tarp camping so much. The book describes campsite selection and tarp pitching methods, and includes several photo sequences of knot tying for tarp pitching. There are chapters on bugs and critters and rain and wind - all the questions and perhaps reservations that a person might have in regards to camping with a Ray-Way Tarp.

AT Gear-Video

(DVD Video) Enjoy an evening with Ray in the Maine woods, as he explains the use of the gear that he carried on his 2010 Thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail. Filmed the day after he completed his thru-hike. Topics covered include:

  • Site selection
  • Preening of a stealth-site
  • Pitching the tarp
  • Hanging the Spitfire under the tarp
  • Crawling in to the Spitfire (putting it on like a garment)
  • Making a comfortable bed
  • Packing the backpack the following morning
  • Taking down the Spitfire and stowing
  • Taking down the tarp and stowing.

Run time: 93 minutes


Ray-Way "Sew It Yourself" Kit

The majority of highly-touted features on most backpacks actually work against the hiker. For one thing, they add weight - and of course expense. They also tend to waste one's time spent fiddling with them. Contrary to the hype, most of those features are designed for marketing rather than hiking.

We designed our Ray-Way backpack for thru-hiking, and have used it during all of our many multi-thousand mile backpack trips since 1993. Our backpack is extremely light-weight, and yet very durable when taken well care of.

Our kit Includes all the needed materials as well as detailed, step-by-step sewing instructions with many illustrations.

The last Ray-Way backpack I made has done over 10,000 miles, so I'm ordering a new one. Still the best pack out there! -Scott Williamson

I was so impressed at how detailed and clear the sewing instructions for the Ray Way Backpack were. Having zero sewing experience, I really thought I would have to sew the backpack twice. But since the instructions were so great, the pack is by far my favorite pack I've ever hiked with. Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge. -Troy A.

I have sewn nine backpack kits. Two for myself, and others as gifts. Still planning on the AT with ALL Ray-Way gear. -Craig H.

Also be sure to check out our Backpack Pocket Kit:

Sixteen home-made Ray-Way backpacks at one of Ray and Jenny's outdoor classes

"Your designs underwent a very rigorous six day field trial with sixteen sets of Ray-Way gear (backpacks, tarps, and quilts). To my knowledge there was not one failure and this was by mostly novice seamsters. WOW!" -David d.


Ray-Way "Sew It Yourself" Kit

This DVD Video shows the full sewing construction of the Ray-Way Backpack Kit.

Jenny demonstrates the sewing while Ray narrates. And during the one hour run time, we detail the backpack's complete construction, start to finish.

The video shows how easily the backpack kit goes together, and it also provides an understanding of the assembly methods, for those who prefer to learn in a visual and audio context.

For someone who prefers, instead, to read and study printed instructions, those that come with the kit describe the process fully, step by step. The video is not meant to replace those printed instructions.


Ray-Way "Sew It Yourself" Kit

A kit that you sew together yourself. The hat is warm and yet very lightweight. The size medium weighs only 1.1 ounces. And the hat is very packable, occupying very little space in a backpack or clothing bag.

The Hat consists of one layer of Alpine synthetic insulation, which is about 0.9" thick. This insulation is sandwiched between two layers of lightweight nylon fabric. So the hat is fully reversible.

Intended for use with a quilt or sleeping bag, as well as outdoor activities such as camping and hiking in cool to cold weather. The hat is highly breathable, allowing normal insensible perspiration to evaporate - so it offers maximum warmth.

"I think the Insulated Hat Kit is your most under-stated item. It seems so mundane on the web page whereas the backpack, tarp, and quilt kits etc. all shout for themselves. But the times I've used the Insulated hat in a challenging cold/wet/windy situation and it's turned the whole thing around in a matter of minutes. Both night and day, it offers amazing utility for a 1 oz weight. I never go camping without one." -Mike G.

Just finished my Insulated Hat. I love it! I have used a windstopper fleece hat that velcroed under the chin for years. It weighed 2.3 oz and was pretty thin. The Ray-Way Insulated Hat weighs only 1oz.(!!!), is several times thicker (much warmer), and is totally windproof!! The insulated hat is so superior, there is absolutely no reason to ever take the fleece hat again! Fantastic!!!! This was my third Ray-Way Kit. It is so great to see the quality in the finished gear go up as I get better on the machine. Thanks again! -Matt L.


Our knife kit is intended as a beginner's project, and can be assembled with minimal tools and no prior woodworking experience. The four-inch blade is stainless steel, has a very sharp and exceptionally durable edge. Its made of world-class steel, and will last a lifetime - and will run circles around any cheap knife.

The wooden handle comes in pre-drilled pieces that you epoxy together and shape to suit. The finished Knife is considerably lighter in weight than almost all expensive knives with good quality steel in them. This means you can take your Ray-Way knife hiking, backpacking, or whatever, with minimal extra weight.

This is a beautiful knife, and because you made it yourself it has much more meaning than a store bought one.

"I loved the kit and the instructions and the way everything went together just as the instructions said. The wood handle is much more beautiful than the pictures can show--it has fiddle and the colors change from a glowing golden yellow to a light brown as it is tipped in the light. I hated to use the sealer on it because now I can not enjoy its smell which was wonderful." -Dick M.

Sheath Kit

(kit) The sheath is the open pouch type, protecting the blade while securing the knife by friction alone. It is meant to be carried in the backpack rather than worn on a belt. This is for reasons of simplicity and safety. Our Sheath Kit contains a full set of illustrated instructions, and a set of patterns for cutting out the leather sheath, the welt, and an optional Lightning Bolt pattern for tooling the leather. After cutting out the leather, you punch holes for the stitching, following our template, then hand-stitch the sheath closed. Very simple!

"The leather sheath kits are superb! The instructions and materials are flawless. Thank you for the continued inspiration and integrity you bestow to this wonderful life. This art is highly rewarding. With gratitude," -Will Lady

Atlantic Caper Video

(DVD Video)

A 23-foot ocean rowboat.
No sails, no motor,
just two pairs of oars.
Solar panels to power the watermaker.
A 90-day supply of food.
A husband and wife team
with a desire for adventure
and an intense determination to succeed.

Ray & Jenny's Atlantic Crossing
3,000 miles in 53 days
Video Run time: 48 min.

"I have to say that Atlantic Caper is one of the best documentaries that we've seen!" -R. S.

"Atlantic Caper is a fantastic show! Thank you so much for investing the time and effort to produce this gem of a movie. The production values are surprisingly good, the editing and narration are first rate, and the on-ocean footage is breathtaking." -Brett T.

"Caper Across the Atlantic is awesome! Last Friday night, we sat in awe of the adventure, the sunsets and sunrises, the Ocean. Congratulations, and the professionalism is impressive." -Ben A.

"I've watched your video three times now and I think it's super!!! I must admit I cried when you left La Gomera and I cheered and cried when you arrived at Barbados. Sure was glad you included the Skydiving also! Great!!" - D. J.

Siku Kayak

Paddling the Coast of Arctic Alaska


Join Ray and Jenny as they paddle their home-built kayak 1,400 miles to the top of Alaska and beyond. You'll discover more about the Arctic coastline than any tourist ever dreamed of. But get ready to test your mettle: you'll find whales and caribou, tundra and grizzlies, permafrost and puffins, and a beauty and vastness that tugs at your heart.

256 Adventure-Packed Pages
272 b&w Photos, 13 Maps

"I just wanted to let you know what a pleasure it was to read about your adventures in your Siku Kayak book. What will and determination it must have taken to continue on at times, and also to make the decision to not continue further. The pictures were well worth a million words, as realizing that the ice may not let you back to shore: AMAZING...I also watched the Atlantic Caper DVD and loved it as well. The skydiving at the end was quite a finish to the whole adventure, nice landing... Thank you so much for sharing with us." -Steven S.

"I was quite impressed with Siku Kayak. I love the way you kept printing costs down, yet managed to include tons of inspiring photos though your website. Outstanding adventure!" -Ben T.

To everyone who has placed orders for our kits, our sincere appreciation. We hope you are envisioning good thoughts for the successful completion of your projects, and for the enjoyable time you will have using your home-made gear in the wilds. Make sure you tell your friends about our kits so they can discover for themselves the joys of making and using their own home-made Ray-Way gear.

Hey guys. I've long thought about writing and finally merely decided to say "thanks". Simply - thanks. Thanks for always being there, for your forward thinking, for your inspiration, for proving it can be done, for being bulletproof to the non-believers, for never quitting, for doing it right, for doing it first, for doing it best. With great appreciation, respect, and sincerity - simply - thanks. - J.G.G., VA

"Jenny and Ray, Just to let you know that 'Trail Life' was our number-one book for the year. Congratulations and thank you." - [One of the world's foremost retailers of outdoor gear]

"This morning there came a knock on the door. It was our mailman with a package. I immediately ripped it open to reveal Trail Life. OMG it blew me away. The pictures, the style, the information... You totally understated the book... Wow!!!" -Curtis W.

"Trail Life is of EXCELLENT quality. It appears to a novice hiker that it covers MANY, MANY aspects of thru-hiking. It discusses areas that someone without the years and miles of experience that Ray has would never even imagine come into play for their future adventures in the wild. The quality of the book and the photographs almost make it a fancy "coffee table" book, yet it contains very useful information." -Del S.

"It's been said that the mark of real genius is the ability to reduce something to its purest and simplest form. For example, Einstein with e = mc2 or Michelangelo, who, when asked to demonstrate his skill as an artist drew an absolutely perfect circle freehand in one stroke. Well, there's no question in my mind that Ray has done the same thing with backpacking. -Mike W.

I suspect what keeps most--if not all--of us coming back to the "Ray-Way" is a simple thing called TRUST! We know that what Ray & Jenny offer actually works, and does so most efficiently. Without reference to age, they are truly "elder statesmen" -- they've been there, done that and the rest of us benefit from those years of amassed wisdom. In a world of hyper consumerism, it isn't always easy to know who to trust." -Chris A.

 Copyright © 1998-2024, All Rights Reserved 
News Click this link to find out what's happening.

Ray's Cannonball Run
Coast to Coast in 42.5 hrs

New Product: BC-500
Blood Cleaner
We have reprinted "Trail Life"
Now Shipping!
More info
- Customer Comments -

"While preparing for our FFT (first Ray Way!), few things have been as valuable as "Trail Life". Early in my studying the book, I started making notes. My notes quickly turned into pages, too large for a web post. So rather than trying to convince experienced outdoor enthusiasts to buy your book, I just started buying extra copies and gifting them. If I hadn't buddied around and climbed with Ray in Yosemite, I might find what the two of you have accomplished as somewhat unbelievable. For the less experienced adventurist, in a one-liner summary I would simply suggest the following: "Ray and Jenny provide not only useful products and trustworthy information to believe - but also, and more importantly - two people to believe IN." You can quote me on that. Thanks again for sharing your experiences, tips and inspirations. I love what you have done and are doing." Craig C., AK

"Before ordering my kits from you I had never sewed anything, in fact I did not even own sewing machine. I just finished the first project, an insulated hat. I love it! There is one slight problem though, my wife and my kids all want me to make them one too." Randy B.

"Just a note of appreciation for all you two do. I've been an avid follower of your hiking techniques since reading Beyond Backpacking in 2004, and while we have never met, your insight and knowledge has played such an important role in my life I felt compelled to write you both a "fan letter". I hope you start teaching classes again, because I'd be there for certain. See you on the trails!" -Clint B.

"Reporting that the Ray-Way quilt worked great, car camping in northern New York, night temps down to 34. This 58yo woman, a cold cold sleeper, finally slept well -really well -camping on the chilly nights. No more wrestling with a mummy bag. All my positioning pillows for achy joints accommodated by the quilt. Husband delighted, no more cursing and snarling all night from me cause now I can sleep. Maybe I'll make him one too." -Terry S.

"I'm just delighted to have discovered that you're still on the web. Thank you so much for all your work in the backpacking world. Even though I don't have any of your gear (yet), it's clear that the light weight gear I currently own wouldn't even exist if you hadn't pushed the world into lighter weight gear. So thanks again for your work!" -Carol D.

"I have purchased many of your kits and have been exceptionally pleased with them." -Scot F.

"Never, ever, will I forget that it was you - Ray - who saved my life [Blood Cleaner], and I will always feel grateful and very blessed to have come across your path... thank you!" -Sherry

"So far, i've made your tarp, sleeping quilt, knife, batwing, and now this will be my second backpack. You seriously provide the best products of anywhere out there - no competition! I don't think people realize what a huge value your kits are. I would pay double the price of these kits. Thanks for providing such incredible materials, books, and service!" -Agnieszka G.

"Just wanted to tell you what an impact you guys have had on my life. I read your book in 2009, then purchased the backpack kit (which I'm still amazed I was able to sew), and promptly thru-hiked the AT in 2010. Anyhow, the confidence you guys exude in your books, and reading about other adventures via your website over the years has been motivational. I just ordered a couple new copies of Trail Life to create that spark of adventure in my life again! Hiking the AT was the best experience of my life, it's been a real touchstone, and it started with your book." -Craig T.

"Having completed the wind pants kits (S, M, L, and XL) I can tell you they all fit their wearers without modifications. Thank you very much for having the kits available at such a reasonable cost. Having spent the cold months sewing, I am quite anticipating the pleasure of being out-and-about in the new gear." -Steve P.

"I completed my 2 person split-zip quilt kit, my third, this time using one layer of Woodland. My wife and I tried it out this weekend on a 2 day mountain bike-packing trip. It was absolutely perfect! We stayed comfortable and dry under our Ray Way tarp and Net-Tent as temps dropped from a humid 85F to a breezy 60F during the over night pop-up thunderstorms. Next on the list is completion of our new 2,200 in3 Ray Way packs that should work extremely well for our mountain bike-pack trips. Thanks for making these kits and your knowledge available!" Kerry R., MI

"I just finished the the JMT and put the Ray-Way tarp to the test. We had some intense storms. It was the windiest, rainiest and most lightening I've camped in, and most intense storm I've seen since moving to California. I remained completely dry inside the net tent and under my quilt. I knew that the tarp should hold up, but now I know viscerally how strong a shelter system it is! I was at Lake Marjorie just north of Pinchot Pass for the show. It was plain awesome! Thanks again for producing such a great product." -David C., CA

"I have bought several of your kits and found them to be excellent!" -Andrew B.

"I was an Outward Bound student in 1973. I remember that the students your group had a more "challenging" course than the rest of us. What I remember best, however, is a pull-up contest you and a fellow instructor had. We were waiting most of an afternoon for a truck to take us to the next trailhead and you started trading sets of 5 pull-ups... and they continued on for several hours!" -Doug R.

"Now,I'm starting to try sewing Ray-Way Backpack! It's sooo fun!!" -Toshimichi K., Japan

"I love these projects." Nick R.

"If you are considering hiking all or part of the PCT, I recommend you forget all that you know about hiking, especially if it is based on conventional backpacking knowledge. Study Ray's advice and you will learn things the easy way, rather than having to learn from your struggles like I did my first year on the trail." - Scott Williamson

"I started using the Blood Cleaner, and it's working wonderfully, as well as making Nano silver I'm getting Great results! I'm so impressed with this unit, and means a lot to me knowing they are hand made by Ray and Jenny, two very intelligent people! I just bought another 300 Blood Cleaner just to put away. Everyone should have one of these, healthy or not! Just makes so much common sense. Once again Thank you both so much!" -Sherry R., Canada

"it has been extremely rewarding making my Ray-Way tarp and quilt on my own and can't wait to use them this summer!" -Jason T., MD

"I ordered my first quilt kit with much trepidation, due to the fact that my only prior sewing experience was watching my wife make throw pillows! I did the whole thing in about 7 hours!!! Wow. Though there are definite signs this quilt was done by a first-timer, it looks really good. This was a most exciting project and I cannot wait to use it. Thank you Ray and Jenny for a most inspirational project." -Will A.

"I ordered a Ray-Way Tarp, and I'm thrilled with my new found ability to sew a flat-felled seam. I can't believe it. Though to be fair, I did it only after a bit of cussing. Its not that pretty, but its functional and I'm so proud. Thanks for what you do." -Leah B.

"I just returned from a trip along the JMT and my Ray-Way tarp worked fantastic! There was quite a bit of rain, thunder, lightning and hail but the tarp took it all in stride. My Ray-Way quilt also worked great!" Darren O., CA

"It is beyond belief that someone who got cams out there should ever be criticized for their impact on rock climbing. In the big picture, they made more friends for you than you can imagine. If one looks back at Phoenix and those hero photos they took of you, everyone knew we were looking at the future. The history is in the pictures, and they fueled everything that followed. I still have my set of original Friends. I have heard from hundreds of people that tell me that the Jardine Traverse is their favorite variant pitch of the Nose. That it allows really, really, really, great link-ups"." -Thomas D.

I have been using the Blood Cleaner, and have been getting zero sore throats. - previously I could barely avoid them recurring. I am so grateful to have definitely been freed from those virus infections." Regarding clinical trials, "you don't need to document the obvious" -Stanley B.

"I sewed a Ray-Way backpack and have used it on multiple section hikes (2,215 miles) on the PCT and other trails. It has worked very well, and has been integral in getting my base weight down to 12 pounds." -Dave P.

"I love my Ray-Way backpack!" - Scott C.

"Thank you for all your hard work over these many years." -Katie G

"I see you are writing new books! I’m very excited to read them. Your style of adventuring together has been a HUGE inspiration in my life. And a happy 40 years together. Oh, also I rowed from Catalina to Long Beach finally! You were the first one I heard of to kayak the San Pedro channel years ago. Finally checked that one off too! So fun! Stay safe and always thinking of you guys. Thanks for everything!" -James G.

"I spent the last two weekends in a row completing a tarp and quilt, and It has been an incredibly rewarding and satisfying experience. I can't wait to test this equipment in the Sierra this summer. Thank you!" Dylan B.

"I was given a deluxe quilt kit by my wife for Christmas. It was my first time in front of a sewing machine - my wife showed me the basics then left with the kids for the weekend. I finished the foot box as she pulled back in the driveway. It turned out awesome and her pride in my work was a real boost. Thanks for the great kit - As you imply in your writing, learning to make your own gear is empowering, and I have an attachment to the quilt beyond what my expensive down bag ever meant to me. On top of that, my kids love it and want to sleep under it too, so I'm ordering two more quilts and a tarp." Michael M.

"Several years ago I ordered a quilt. It has been doing its job, keeping me warm on my AT section hiking in Spring." -Primo F.

"I’ve never met you or Ray, but you are both a blessing to me! I’m also a rock climber, so I read a lot about Ray years ago. I’m sorry to say after using my Ray-Way gear for several years, I tried dyneema tents for a while. I don’t like tents. The Ray-Way tarp is the best shelter I’ve ever had. So I’m back. Thank you so much for all you both do!" -Orvil F.

"I've made many of your products and was very happy with them during my month on the AT." -Ruth M.

"I'm excited to make the quilt, thanks so much. And thanks for all you and Ray do to inspire adventure!" -Tom B.

"This weekend my wife and I took our newly constructed Ray-Way tarp to Anza Borrego Desert SP for its inaugural voyage. We particularly enjoyed sleeping under the tarp which allowed for us to enjoy the perfectly still and balmy desert night without sweltering inside our old claustrophobic backpacking tent. Not to mention the other perks in leaving 4 unnecessary pounds at home and the deeper connection to the landscape of stars and sounds of the night." -Ben T.

"I had a lot of fun sewing the tarp. I think the backpack was a little easier to sew because the pieces were smaller. My biggest piece of advice is the same as yours: measure carefully. I spent a long while laying out the fabric and measuring and cutting to make sure I got it right. The drawings where very helpful and everything went together exactly as explained. I can't wait to try it out this weekend." Geoff G.

"I took up backpacking but didn't get very far because I was not strong enough to carry all the recommended gear. But adopting your gear with the training I'm doing now, I'm looking forward to a lot of fun backpacking this summer. I'm loving my just completed quilt and am working on my tarp and spitfire. Thank you for your kindness in sharing your experiences and your encouraging attitude." Kristin B., VT

"I made my first Ray-Way backpack several years ago. It has completed one thru-hike and about 3,000 additional miles of backpacking. I've made a few repairs and it's still going strong!" - Brandon G.

"Wow fantastic service. Many thanks!" - Andy D., UK

"Thank you so much for your contribution to society Jenny and Ray. I believe in your products inspired by a very good friend from Nederland which is been following you for and used your products for over 20 years now. I wish you a wonderful day, weekend and life! See you on the mountains sometimes!" -Marius A., Norway

"I have just completed my first quilt. it was amazingly easy to put together, your directions were complete and simple to follow. Thank you so much." -Jill H.

"Ray, I Just found a picture of you and me, taken not far from Telluride. We traversed an ice field where you fell through. I was fortunate enough to help pull you out, and I got close enough to see all that darkness beneath. I think of you often, Ray. You changed my life. I hope we’ll get a chance to meet up before too long. All my very best to you and Jenny." -Chard D.

"My partner and I recently hiked the appalachian trail and used a Ray Jardine homemade tarp for the journey. We love that tarp so much, it was our home." -Rainbow

"I've looked at all the kits and I must say that they all are interesting. I have no skill at all but looks so much fun and practical to be able to do it by yourself. I just placed my order for the backpack, tarp and sleeping pad kit, along with some options (backpack sewing video, pocket, tarp Stowbag, BatWing, thread and AT Gear video). Please don't forget to include the AT gear video, can't wait to learn from all the knowledge from both of you!" -Eric B.

"My son has made several of your kits, and wanted to buy more for his family. He is a professor in Bellingham, WA. We used to hike and read your books a long time ago, and it rubbed off on him, lol." -Katherine S.

"Dear Ray, I am writing to thank you. My copies of all of your books are dog-eared from being referenced again and again. I have great respect for the manner in which you share your experience, knowledge, suggestions and opinions. From the beginning I recognized that you were interested in attraction rather than promotion, and this principle seems to be pervasive throughout your writing. You write with respect for the intelligence of your readers; rather than try to "prove" that your way is best, you simply explain what works for you and invite readers to experiment for themselves if they wish. Mostly, I am thankful because your influence has allowed me to enjoy nature far more than I would have otherwise. I feel the purpose of gear is just to work so that it stays out of the way and allows the natural flow of being outdoors to emerge. The Ray-Way has taught me about being present, mindful, and happy in the outdoors, rather than "protecting" me from nature. Finally, I would like to thank you for sharing your life of adventure so thoroughly and enjoyably in your books and on your website. Every trip report makes the world of possibility a bit larger for me. Thank you." John G., Shenzhen, China

"I just finished the JMT and finally put the tarp to the test. We had some intense storms at Lake Marjorie just north of Pinchot Pass. It was plain awesome! It was the windiest, rainiest and most lightening I've camped in and most intense storm I've seen. I remained completely dry inside the net-tent and under my quilt. I knew the tarp should hold up, but now I know viscerally how strong the shelter system is! Thanks again for producing such great products." - David C.

"Jenny: I have made 3 different sizes of your Ray-Way backpack, as well as the tarp, a batwing, the Spitfire, 3 different weights of quilts, the sleeping pad and several stowbags. I happily used my Ray-Way gear over 4 summer sections to finish the AT. I especially loved being able to survey my surroundings as I lay in my comfy quilt in the twilight and the dawn, instead of being stuck inside a fully enclosed tent. So when placing an order today, and reading your narrative of your solo thru-hike on the AT, I suddenly realized that we met! We had a nice riverside chat, and I remember your highly appropriate trail name and your backpack, but I didn't realize that you were Jenny. We hiked a bit, but I sent you on your way because of your faster pace. Your 5 months of training really served you well. I’m so glad I got to meet you! Congratulations on your highly successful adventure." -Ruthless (Jenny replies: Thank you for your Ray-Way Products order, and sending the photos from the AT. I remember that day very well when we met at the Marble Brook. It was fun talking with you and we hiked together maybe a mile. Have a great CT trek!)

"I have been on the Blood Cleaner on the order of 100 hours, and it's holding up very well." -Peter O.

"I have read both 1st and 2nd Edition PCT books, They are as valuable today as they were years ago. I have learned a lot." -Adam K.

"I have made a tarp, quilt, stowbag, and storage bag. They came out great!" Brian K., WY

"The Quilt kit turned out great, only 1.25 lbs per person with the Gorget and Splitzip options. The Stowbags are the only way to go. I just ordered a Ray-Way backpack kit. Thanks so much for making such great kits that are beyond reasonably priced." -Mark H.

"Hi Ray, I’m a writer with Backpacker Magazine, and I’m working on a feature for our very last print issue (heartbreaking, I know). We’re doing a roundup of some of the most influential gear of all time. I was wondering if you have an old sample backpack we could photograph, or maybe a high-resolution photo? Thanks so much!" - Corey B.

"I've ordered a tarp kit, net-tent kit, and quilt kit, all of which I've enjoyed immensely." -Nick D., ON Canada

"Ray and Jenny, you produced the best book I have ever read. I'm giving a copy of Trail Life to a friend, and think it is the best advice out there." -Charles K.

"Hey Ray & Jenny, The last Ray-Way backpack I made has done over 10,000 miles, but I need a new one. I still have my old video for making the pack, hopefully it still applies to the one I ordered here. Still the best backpack out there!" Scott Williamson, CA

"I just finished up a thru-hike on the A.T. using your philosophy and sewing kits extensively. 2183.7 miles (includes the approach trail) in 88 days. Thank you two so much for sharing your thoughts, ideas, and sewing instructions with a backpacking novice like me." Paul W.

"I love your kits! I've made Ray-Way backpacks, a tarp, a net-tent, a quilt and a number of knives." -Zach B.

"I just want to say thanks for the awesome tarp kit. I had a wonderful dry night despite the rain. Your Trail Life book has so many great tips to offer. A huge thanks to you!" -Valerie A., UK

"I purchased a bunch of gear from y'all this summer, and was on a weeklong solo trip in the Colorado Rockies and tested the tarp, sleeping hat, and shell pants. They all worked flawlessly. This was my first trip using a tarp and I loved feeling so much less separated from nature than with a tent. Having my wet gear actually dry overnight due to the increased ventilation vs. a tent was awesome. One night had high winds (~30mph gusts) and a few inches of snowfall, and the tarp held up great. Thank you! I also bought a copy of "Trail Life" and it has been invaluable as I work to lighten my pack load and increase my outdoor enjoyment. An absolute treasure trove of knowledge." -John M.

"Let me again take a moment to thank you for your books and kits. I absolutely adore the gear I've made (including 4 quilt kits) and always look forward to using them." -Kerry, MI

"Ray, I hear your voice in your words as clearly as I did over 50 years ago. What are years when our minds preserve memories so presently and clearly? I hope you and Jenny are well, still finding adventure in any of its forms." -Chard D.

"My son has a copy of Trail Life and I want my own, plus a gift for my other son. You and Ray are amazing and inspiring. Warm regards and thank you for what you do!" -Joe D.

"Looking forward to another Ray-Way pack. My last one was with me thru the PCT 15, 1/2 CDT (Waterton to Winter Park), OKT in Hungary, Wonderland 16, and the CT 17. Lots of good miles." -Nicholas R.

"Just dropping you a note about how pleased I am with the tarp I made from your kit. We took a group of scouts to Mt. Whitney this summer and it held up well through many days of rain keeping us warm and dry. One evening it blew especially hard, but the tarp stood firm. The other scouts and leaders were impressed as well (but not as comfortable in their domes)." Greg Z.

"Just a quick note to let you know I received the shell pants kit today and am looking forward to some serious sewing! Thank you for sending the package out so quickly." -Carol R.

"I started the Blood Cleaner 4 weeks ago and I have noticed a Huge improvement in my health. And I look forward to getting so much better! Iam feeling this is all too good to be true! but I honestly can say...I was a person very near death and suffered like there was no tomorrow. Iam more than happy to be you and Jenny's Customer, you two are saving my life!! Thank you!!" - Sherry B.

"Yesterday I finished the backpack kit. Today I decided backpacking is more important to me than freshly painted walls. I’m working on gearing up my kids now (ages 7 and 13), hence this latest order" -Sunny E.

"I love my Woodland quilt! And now I am ready to tackle a two-person quilt." -Stefanie K.

"My son and I took our Ray-Way tarps to Philmont this year and they were awesome, rain, hail, wind, always dry and what views the entire trek. We use them all year here in MN and wherever we go. It is amazing to see how much better they work than tents, especially for eliminating condensation and we love the open view. Thanks for the awesome design, complete kits and quality materials!" - Ken D., MN

"Although I have some sewing experience, I am glad I got the backpack video. The materials and instructions for the backpack kit are incredible - well engineered, elegant design, and much appreciated. Lightweight does not have to be fragile, and now that I have made this pack I can see it lasting for a long, long time. I wish I had this during my boy scout days. Would have made those hikes less painful. Can't wait to put some miles on this pack!" - Brooks P.

"My wife and I recently did a nice 7 day hike on the North Country trail here in Michigan, using Ray-Way Backpacks, Tarp, Net-Tent and Quilt. One of the nights we weathered a torrential downpour during a heavy (but windless) thunderstorm. We had never seen rain like that. We found out from a local person the following afternoon that it had rained at a rate of 5" per hour where we were-- torrential indeed. We stayed completely dry under the tarp, if not kept awake by the extraordinary noise of that rain. Site selection gleaned from your books also played a role-- no pooling to speak of on our elevated site on a very thick bed of pine needles." Kerry R., SW Michigan

"After years of researching, I'm finally taking the plunge to go the SMART Ray-Way! We can hardly wait to hit the trail soon with my new Ray-Way gear! Hopefully my wife also gets her order placed in time for you to send it out the door before Jenny's departure for the exciting 3-month solo thru-hike of the AT. Woohoo for you! Thank you for all you do to help folks like us. We are certainly the better for it!" -David B

"I'm super excited to get started sewing this 2-Person XL Quadratic Net-Tent together!" -Jeremy H.

"Thanks for designing these wonderful kits. I've finished two quilts in addition to the tarp and net-tent. What a great feeling of accomplishment, and empowerment!" David S.

I am happy to have found your products. I have a Ray-Way pack, tarp and trousers. They are all good. It is inspiring what is possible, when everything unnecessary is left off. Please stay in business for a while." -Eduard M., Germany

"This is our first sewing project, and we are having a lot of fun with it." Larissa G.

"Thanks for all of the great products that you provide. Making my own gear has changed the way that I interact with the outdoors. The two quilts I've made are my favorite sleeping bags now, and I'm sure my tarp and net-tent will be just as good. Take care, and keep encouraging and empowering the rest of us to make our own gear!" -Ben S.

"I have finished construction of the Ray-Way Backpack, and love it! And I read your book about your AT thru-hike. Fascinating and very insightful. Thanks again for all your insight and seriously great products." -Jason D.

"Wow, your new knife kit that I received today is really over the top! Your other blades were excellent and I made quite a number of beautiful functional knives with them. Your new blade is what I consider the optimum in shape, finish, grind, thickness, quality and overall design. It is exceptionally sharp right out of the box and after a run through the Ray-Way sharpening method I am positive that it will have no equal." - Fred E.

"Just got my first Ray-Way kits together (Quilt and Hat) and must say, congratulations for instructions and material! Great job! Compared to a project I finished a year ago (another brand anorak), your instructions were much, much clearer and easier to follow!" - Urs G., Switzerland

"I managed to sew the quilt (it's beautiful) and now sewing the backpack. Your instructions are great. Your book, so generously sharing your knowledge, fills me with inspiration. Thank you so much." -Kari G.

"I can't say enough good things about your Ray-Way designs! I've been able to go out on trips once a month all last year, call them "microadventures" and plan to do the same this year. Even in the dead of winter up just shy of the Arctic Circle, Ray-Way gear works great! Cheers Ray and Jenny for the awesomeness of your designs!!!" -James G.

"I have completed my backpack kit. The materials, kit instructions and well engineered, elegant design were much appreciated. Lightweight does not have to be fragile - and now that I have made this pack I can see it lasting for a long, long time. I wish I had this during my boy scout days. Would have made those hikes less painful. Can't wait to put some miles on this pack!" -Brooks P.

"I've made several of your kits. Really like them!" -Brad J.

Given Ray's engineering background, the Blood Cleaner is more credible than units from fly by night operators." - Frank V., ID

"I ordered another Blood Cleaner for mum and Dad. They seem pretty excited by the idea." - Ben D.

"The order looks good. Looks like I'll be sewing for a while. :)" Joshua M., Japan

"Big fan of your books and the Ray-Way hiking products. Ive completed two of the Ray-Way tarp kits and just ordered the stow bags and shell pants kit. You guys are the best!" - Dan D.

"The Ray-Way quilts are awesome; I haven't used a sleeping bag once since making my first quilt a year or so ago. This includes two trips in snow, and a few near-freezing temp trips in the desert. When people are worried about the feasibility of going ultralight, the Ray-Way quilts are exhibit number one in convincing them that ultralight is not about skimping on safety and comfort. Not only are the quilts lighter than conventional equipment, but they are better: every bit as warm, easier to adjust to comfort, less constricting, and more adaptable to multiple uses (e.g., as a blanket around camp). The kits were straightforward to put together with clear instructions taking you through the process step-by-step. I am an ultra-satisfied customer." -Scott G.

"Thanks for making the kits available--we were in the process of locating and pricing the materials ourselves, but yours are actually cheaper by far, and we live near a sizeable outdoor fabric retailer." Trent H.

"I am really enjoying the process of building your kits. So far I have finished my first quilt and stuff bag. They are beautiful and I can't wait to try it out in two weeks on the Tamarak Trail. Thank you so much for your guidance and your very useful information." -Frank A., NY

"I am a fan of Beyond Backpacking (and now Trail Life), and those books have changed my life, thanks for sharing your wisdom. I purchased a backpack kit and it is now done. The kit was great, the instructions were clear and detailed, and I am very happy with the result. Thank you both!" Mark D., Indiana

"Just finished reading Trail Life. Wow! Within 30 minutes my way of thinking about backpacking was changed. By the end the read I have a completely shifted view about gear and preparing for and enjoying the outdoors. Thinking for yourself about these things is actually more fun. I have taken my first step toward "commercial independence" by making my own a fleece hat and mittens on my wife's sewing machine. Next comes your tarp. Big Thanks for sharing your knowledge, experience and philosophy. It has made a difference." Dana N., CA

"I have made your two person tarp, net and insulated hat and have found them to be excellent for use in the Australian climate. It gives a real sense of satisfaction to know that you made it yourself and results in no end of questions from fellow bushwalkers. They all want to know where it came from and how good it is. In Australia we don't have the range of materials available to us from local suppliers and your kits make it possible to get the best and lightest at a sensible price. Thanks for making my walking so much more enjoyable." Duncan C.

"I ordered some kits because I just wanted to work on them over the winter. Thanks for your great products!" -David B.

"I just placed an order for your tarp and net tent kits after a friend recommended your products - thank you so much for your wonderful work! best regards from Vienna, Austria" -Kathi H.

"Just want to let you know your customer service is Johnny on the spot. Do y’all have a patch that I can put on my pack? Reading some of your books, I know you don’t like to advertise for other companies, but this is your company that we’re talking about. I’d be happy to help promote your products on the AT 2023" -Leo W.

"I hiked the AT with my son, and we used your back packs and quilts I made almost 10 yrs ago. The gear the system the philosophy, everything worked." -Rich D., IN

"I wanted to let you know that I am forever grateful for what you have done for me, and always feel blessed that because of you and your Blood Cleaner my life was saved! Don't see doctors. On no medications (since meeting you). Sleeping really awesome which is unbelievable! I would have never dreamed of sleeping the way I do without a sleeping pill and being on it for 17 years it's just amazing! All because of you!" -Sherry Bella, 2022

"I'm so proud of what I accomplish with the Ray-Way projects. I'm learning a lot, sewing them. Sometimes I get so excited that I get hasty and make an error, but all-in-all, it's been a great ride." -Casey A.

"Our ($800) order is large because we figured we might as well just jump into the Ray-way with both feet. It is perhaps a bit rash to order everything at once, but we've read through your website thoroughly and from what we've read, to use the Ray-way backpacks we need to pare down our shelter and sleeping bags, so we want to go ahead with the whole deal and try it out as it was meant to be used. I don't anticipate any trouble with the sewing. And your testimonials are numerous and highly positive, so we are pretty confident! We're looking forward to getting started on the sewing and to using our new lightweight gear on the next adventure!" -Catherine & Dan 0., BC

"I read Trail Life after a great backpacking trip to Isle Royale National Park. My goal is to greatly reduce my pack weight for the next time. I bought a sewing machine, and am working on the Backpack Kit. Thank you for your guidance!" -Jim C.

"I am a big fan of your wisdom, and hope to put it into practice soon, with this order! Thank you so much." -Michael S.

"I bought "Trail Life" and instantly read it, many parts over and over. I was expecting a lot, yet still surprised at how much is in there!" Joseph D., Iowa

"I am finishing up the backpack and I love it! I may make another for fun, now that I know how to sew. But first I am going to move to the quilt." -Steph C.

"My dog, Mickey and I were hiking the Samish Overlook trail. I had your 2200 pack that I made. As I was walking, I was thinking about how much you and your husband have influenced the hiking community. I was also lamenting that it seems that some of the cottage industries have taken your intellectual property without giving proper acknowledgement to the source. Gotta hate intellectual property theft. And, one last thing, Jenny...even though you are the quiet partner, you are truly a bad-assed woman and an inspiration." -Catherine D.

"I ordered your tarp kit and everything went great. You provide very detailed, yet easy to follow instructions. I also ordered your Atlantic Caper video, which I enjoyed very much. I'm glad you added the skydiving footage at the end...very cool." Calvin H., Ohio

"I just finished a very successful weeklong shakedown hike on the AT, north out of Harpers Ferry. I was extremely happy with my tarp, spitfire, 2800 backpack and two-layer alpine quilt. I wouldn't change a thing. Using products that I made with my own hands brought me so much pleasure on the trail. And the fact that they all functioned so well and made my hiking and camping so much easier, completed the picture." -Ruth M.

"We are building a robust collection here in our university archives. Our goal is to preserve photos, writings, sketches, documents, etc from influential brands and individuals in the outdoor products space. We would love to work with you to create the Ray Jardine Collection where your papers, writings, as well as any materials relating to the development of the Friend as well as your other countless contributions could be preserved, protected, and appreciated long term. Please let me know if you'd be interested" -Chase A. [Ray responds: apologetically: no, I'm not.]

"Ray-Way gear is hands-down the best gear a wilderness traveler can carry." - James G.

"Finished my 2200 Ray-Way pack and used it on the Finger Lakes Trail. My only regret is that I didn't discover your website or the Ray-Way sooner. Such light weight packing would have made backpacking so much more enjoyable when I was in my 20's! I love this pack. Thank you Ray and Jenny." -David D.

"Just wanted to say thanks for the great tarp, net-tent, and batwing kits. The projects were a lot of fun and I really enjoyed making them. I'm new to backpacking and the first thing I did was buy your Trail Life book and wow, is that a great book! So now I think I'm on the right path to really enjoying lightweight backpacking." -Joe W.

"I am exposed to heavy corona virus load in the hospital, and am using the Ray-Way Blood Cleaner as an added precaution." -Dr. W. Sean C. MD: Head and Neck Surgery and Otolaryngology.

"Thanks for the great products. I've really come to trust your equipment." Thomas C.

"The careful explanations and innovative approach of your "Sharpening The Ray-Way Knife" are wonderful and much appreciated." - Karl K., NC

"We just completed the PCT using your tarp, quilt and backpack. This was the first time we had really camped with a tarp and found it to be so versatile and simple. We used it in all kinds of weather and situations and every time it was put to the test, it passed with flying colours. The aspects of its simplicity, effectiveness, versatility and weight have halted any desires I have to search for the perfect shelter, as I think it is pretty close. We were so happy with it. This was also the first time we had used the quilts. Like the tarp, it did not cease to impress. At one camp, near Forrester Pass, we endured a significant dumping of snow and temperatures into the single digits (Fahrenheit). Aside from our solidly frozen shoes, we remained quite comfortably warm. The well thought-out design for the backpack was excellent. The pockets were great, directions on packing it from the AT video were excellent. You would probably be disgusted by how much food weight your poor little bags had to endure but they definitely stood up to whatever challenge we could throw at them, although there were a few patched and unpatched holes by the end. We would both like to send you guys are heart felt thanks as the gear was amazing." Ben D. and Kate M., Australia

"My new Quilt is beautiful and I thank you for your amazing clear directions. Even if I got stumped I just kept reading it over and I could almost hear you slowly telling me clearly. And it always worked. Thank you so much!" - Lynnie W.

"Thanks for offering the kits Ray. You have made my wife a garage widow with all the sewing I'm doing. We just spent 4 days in the Golden Trout Wilderness in the Sierra Nevada using your gear. I think we saved a hour a day just because we didn't have to mess with hipbelts." Rick R.

"I completed my quilt last month. It turned out great! Just ordered 2 more. One for my son, and one for my son in law. I also ordered the tarp book, so that will be my next project! Thank you!" Will N., NZ

"Hi Jenny and Ray, You both are doing great stuff. I read 'Beyond Backpacking' years ago and got hooked on ultralight backpacking. My first project was your Backpack-Kit. Your kits are of outstanding quality and, especially because of the very good instructions, worth every cent! Thanks for sharing your experiences. You both raised a new generation of backpackers - free in their minds, free of commercial influences, thinking for themselves. All the best from Germany " C.F.

"I made a order back in August and have been slowly working through all the kits. The instructions are great and very clear! I am placing another order for more Ray-Way kits. Thank you!" -David T

"My sewing is going along extremely well. Now I look back and realize my fear of sewing was only what you call *lack of familiarity*. I sure am glad I'm a little more familiar now. Sewing is fun, and your Ray-Way kits are pure magic! Everything falls into place beautifully, one stitch at a time. Thank you Ray and Jenny, your teachings are truly priceless." Will L.

"I just finished up sewing my 3rd ray-way backpack last night, and I've been thoroughly pleased with the packs. I'll be sewing a couple more quilts in the next couple of days, along with another stowbag. Thanks again for the kits and the prompt service! Nothing but praise so far!" Paul W.

"Thank you so much for all you do. This will be my third tarp kit along with a bomber hat, knife kit, double quilt and double net tent I have made. For someone previously scared of a sewing machine it's quite something and would not have been impossible without your encouragement and kits." -Edward W., UK

"I have been making some gear from your kits, mostly for the kids. I've completed the tarp and am almost done with one pack. The kids have been helping. It has been so much fun!" -Ken H.

"I am thru hiking the AT and now under my Ray-Way tarp and quilt in the middle of a thunderstorm 19 miles north of Harpers Ferry and am dry as toast. Lots of people have recognized the tarp as being a Ray-Way product so I must have done an ok job of sewing." James G.

"Just got back from the Gila Wilderness NM where I used the trusty 2P tarp, net tent and my newly completed quilt. Loved sleeping in the quilt. Regulates temperature much better than a sleeping bag. And a whole lot less fussing with zipper, etc. My new favorite price of gear!" - Brooks P.

"Hi Ray and Jenny: I have made your backpack, tarp and net tent, 2 sleeping quilts, several stowbags, sleeping hat, 2 insulated hats, trail life, the tarp book; I love them all. Thank you for sharing all your knowledge. You have really helped me." -Frank A.

"Just wanted to say thank you for your great kits. I was a bit skeptic about the Quilt's temperature rating, and i didn't want to freeze, so i ordered the extra layer. I have never used a quilt before (or a high performance lightweight bag either....) so when I finished sewing it I decided to test it. The weather was perfect - cold and clear with just a breeze blowing from the north. There was a thick layer of snow covering everything and reflecting the clear moonlight. I had a wonderful nights sleep there in my backyard on the snow with my sleeping pad and my new warm quilt and nothing but stars above me. I checked the temperature and was very impressed when i saw it was -10C (14F) !!! I felt that the Draftstopper and Gorget really helped me in keeping warm." -Jonas N., Sweden

34,930,006 visitors

Profile of Ray Jardine


Profile of Ray Jardine, author: Trail Life, The Ray-Way Tarp Book Essential, Beyond Backpacking, Siku Kayak, The PCT Hiker's Handbook. inventor: "Friends" rock climbing gear. Long-distance hiker, designer and builder of aerospace composite kayaks, Baja and Arctic Alaska sea kayaker, Canadian Barrenlands canoeist, cross-country hang glider pilot, round-the-world sailor, free-fly skydiver, and more.

Skiing to South Pole
Fierce Winds, Ultra-Cold Temperatures
58 days, 700 mi

Extreme Fun
Adventures in Antarctica
After a year and a half of training and preparations, we went to Antarctica. Starting from near the coast, we skied 57 days to the South Pole. Along the way encountered fierce winds, ultra cold temperatures, and rough ice. We dragged our gear behind us in sleds containing enough food for a month. At the half-way point we resupplied with a food drop. Reaching the South Pole in another month, we flew back to the starting point.

Rowing Across the Atlantic Ocean
No Motor, No Sails
54.5 days, 3,000 miles

Rowing Across the Atlantic Ocean

Rowing Across the Atlantic Ocean in the 23-foot Rowboat "Atlantic Caper" - No sails, No Motor, just Two Pairs of Oars. "A Husband and Wife Team with a Desire for Adventure and an Intense Determination to Succeed."

Global Voyage
A Story About Sailing Around the World
3 years, 35,000 miles

Global Voyage
Aboard the Ketch Suka
Three years Sailing Around the World aboard the ketch SUKA (Seeking UnKnown Adventures). From San Diego we spent a year and a half sailing through the South Pacific to Australia. After sailing north behind the Great Barrier Reef, we crossed the Indian Ocean to South Africa. Then navigating across to South America and through the Caribbean, we passed through the Panama Canal and then followed the coast back to home port.

Pearl Four
Hiking the Appalachian Trail #1
89 days, 2,100 miles

Pearl Four

Our fourth long-distance thru-hiking adventure: the Appalachian Trail in 1993, Springer Mountain to Katahdin. 2,100 miles in 2 months & 28 days. This was where we developed our home-made lightweight backpacks and camping quilt.

Saga of the Sea Tub
A 100-Day, 3,400-mile Kayak Voyage
100 days, 3,392 miles

Saga of the Sea Tub
Northern Paddling Adventure #1
A 100-Day, 3,300-mile Kayak Voyage from Anacortes, Washington Through the Inside Passage Along Coasts of British Columbia and Southwest Alaska - 1,100 miles to Skagway; then Portage the Chilkoot Trail to the First Ice-Free Lake, 100 miles total; then Paddle the Yukon River 2,000 miles to the Bering Sea, and 7 miles Back to Village of Emmonak.

Sea-kayaking the Coast of Arctic Alaska
Shishmaref to Herschel Island
78 days, 1,440 miles

Sea-kayaking the Coast of Arctic Alaska
Northern Paddling Trip #3
We returned to Shishmaref the summer of 1996. The ensuing kayaking journey proved to be more interesting and rewarding than we possibly could imagined. It was also the most difficult and dangerous, but by then we felt we had developed the appropriate skills, and were better equipped to handle the conditions. The weather had turned genuinely cold, with icy gales and considerable snowfall. Some days, while paddling among the floes, frozen sea spray glistened on the kayak's deck; some days snow. Yet even this part of the trip was enchanting. The expanse of virgin coastline, the beauty of the sparkling sea and its ice floes, the wildlife and the tundra adorned in its fall colors, and the jagged mountains glistening with fresh snow - all were beyond description.

Canoeing Coppermine River & Pikes Portage
Yellowknife to Arctic Ocean
39 days, 960 miles

Canoeing Coppermine River & Pikes Portage
Northern Paddling Adventure #8
Story of Ray and Jenny Jardine's Coppermine canoe trip, summer 2005, Yellowknife to Kugluktuk, paddling 960 miles in 39 days. Started in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories Canada, paddled the Great Slave Lake, carried the outfit over Pike's Portage, worked up to Clinton-Colden and Aylmer lakes, then paddled down the Coppermine River and finished at the native village of Kugluktuk on the coast of the Arctic Ocean. 44 portages totaling 15 mi. It was an unforgettable experience across an amazingly vast wilderness area.

Hiking the Appalachian Trail #2
Springer Mountain to Mount Katahdin
103 days, 2,100 miles

Hiking the Appalachian Trail #2
Thru-hike #6
A Solo Thru-Hike of the Appalachian Trail (AT) in 2009, Mid Season.

Hiking the Appalachian Trail #3
Springer Mountain to Mount Katahdin
100 days, 2,100 miles

Hiking the Appalachian Trail #3
Thru-hike #7
A Third Thru-Hike of the Appalachian Trail (AT), Solo and Early Season. This hike was characterized by deep snow in the Smokies, lots of blow-downs along the full length of trail, and a great deal of solitude but also very enjoyable hiking in beautiful surroundings.

Hiking the Appalachian Trail #4 (part 1/3)
Springer Mountain to Harpers Ferry
49 days, 1,022 miles

Hiking the Appalachian Trail #4 (part 1/3)
AT Section Hiking
Hiking Adventure #8, the Appalachian Trail (#4) early-season.

Canoeing the Back River
Sussex Lake to Baker Lake
40 days, 673 miles

Canoeing the Back River
Northern Paddling Adventure #6
Ray and Jenny paddled a canoe across the Barrenlands of Sub-arctic Canada, From Sussex Lake, padding down the Back River, up the Meadowbank River, over the Divide and down to the hamlet of Baker Lake. From the book Canoeing Canada's Northwest Territories, "many experienced paddlers consider the Back to be the most challenging river in the NWT.

Hello America Bicycle Tour
Twice Across the US, Coast to Coast
92 days, 6,700 miles

Hello America Bicycle Tour
Bicycling Adventure #2
Hello America: Ray & Jenny Jardine peddled a tandem bicycle twice across the US, sea to sea, round-trip from Arizona.

Cruising The Cardon Coast
San Felipe to La Paz
33 days with Jenny, 680 miles

Cruising The Cardon Coast
Baja Sea-Kayaking Adventure #9
Jenny and I Paddled and Sailed our "Sea Tub" (a highly-modified collapsible double kayak) from San Felipe to La Paz, in 34 days along the coast of Baja. This trip took place the Year Following our 3,300 mile kayak trip to the Arctic, and immediately following our 10-day hike of the John Muir Trail and 12 days float trip on the Yellowstone River.

Bicycling the TransAmerica Trail
Cycling Across the US, Coast to Coast
54 days, 3,783 miles

Bicycling the TransAmerica Trail
Bicycling Adventure #3
After completing two thru-hikes of the Appalachian Trail, Ray cycled across the country, coast to coast, generally following the "TransAmerica Trail" Cycling Route. Peddling thorough 11 states, the many and often-steep hills were challenging, but the scenery along this route was very beautiful. Near the end of the trip Jenny joined Ray on a borrowed bike, and they finished the journey at saltwater's edge on Chesapeake Bay.

Climbing Huascaran
Climbing Nevado Huascaran in the Peruvian Andes
22 days, 22,205'

Climbing Huascaran

Climbing Nevado Climbing Huascaran, Peru's highest at 22,205' in 1969. I took a month's leave from my job as an aerospace engineer to join a mountain climbing expedition to the Peruvian Andes. I was super active in the outdoors before, as a proficient climber and mountaineer, but this was the trip that started my lifestyle as a full time adventurer. With Gene and Betsy White, Mark Bostwick, and John Larson.

Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail #1
Campo to Manning Provencial Park
139 days, 2,700 miles

Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail #1
Thru-hike #1
The Pacific Crest Trail: Campo to Manning Provencial Park through California, Oregon and Washington. After sailing around the world, we wanted to get back in touch with the land, so we hiked the PCT. This was our first thru-hike, of many.

Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail #2
Campo to Manning Park
125 days, 2,700 miles

Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail #2
Thru-hike #2
Long-Distance Hiking Adventure #2, - the Pacific Crest Trail, Campo to Manning Provencial Park. 2,700 Miles in 125 Days. Route goes from Mexico to Canada through California, Oregon and Washington.

Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail #3
Manning Park to Campo
96 days, 2,700 miles

Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail #3
Thru-hike #5
Our fifth long-distance hiking adventure, 1994: the Pacific Crest Trail, PCT: Manning Provencial Park to Campo. 2,700 miles in 96 days. Route goes from Canada to Mexico, through Washington, Oregon and California. This was a south-bound hike, starting with much snow slogging through the North Cascades and finishing in the hot and thirsty deserts. It was our second light-weight hike, and our the first thru-hike to use a tarp rather than a tent.

Sea Kayaking the Western Coast of Alaska
St Marys to Shishmaref
48 days, 600 miles

Sea Kayaking the Western Coast of Alaska
Northern Paddling Adventure #2
A 48 day journey in our home-made sea-kayak "Headwind Magnet" (aka Tempest) Along the West Coast of Alaska. We started at St Marys Near the Terminus of the Yukon River, and paddled 100 miles down the Yukon River to Norton Sound. We then continued across the Bering Sea along the west coast of Arctic Alaska all the way around the sound to Nome, and farther to the Inuit village of Shishmaref.

Himalayan Adventures
Climbing to 22,000 ft. on Mount Everest
2 months

Himalayan Adventures
Climbing the Khumbu Icefall
A Month of Acclimatizing to the High Altitudes, Trekking to Everest Base Camp, and Climbing to 22,000 ft. on Mount Everest via the famous Khumbu Icefall and up to Camp 2 below the Lhotse face.

Paddling on the Brink
San Felipe to Bahia Animas
24 days, the Sea of Cortez with Linda

Paddling on the Brink
Baja Sea-Kayaking Adventure #3
Ready to begin, we feel suddenly alone. Immensely alone, to say nothing about committed and vulnerable. A wave of misgiving floods over me, and for the first time in months of planning and preparation the prospects of a successful outcome seem absurd. I utter those classic words aloud: "What have we gotten ourselves into this time?" Having heard this many times before, Linda breaks into a grin. And with that we shove our kayak into the sea and begin our paddling adventures.

Canoeing Fulton Chain of Lakes
In the Adarondacks of Up-State New York
12 days, 125 miles

Canoeing Fulton Chain of Lakes
Canoe Trip #1
On a Break Between Standard and B2B Classes, Ray and Jenny Rode a Bus to Upstate New York and Rented a Canoe. Spent 12 Days Canoeing the Fulton Chain of Lakes in the Adirondacks of upstate New York, Along the Historic Fulton Chain of Lakes. In past times this route was plied by fur traders, at a time when the principle means of wilderness transportation was by canoe. Having recently sea-kayaked 1,440 miles of Arctic Alaskan coastline, we were in fairly good physical condition. However, neither of us knew how to paddle a canoe. However, by trip's end we had figured out how to handle the canoe fairly well.

Canoeing the Kazan River
Kasba Lake to Baker Lake
25 days, 560 miles

Canoeing the Kazan River
Northern paddling Adventure #7
The Story of Ray and Jenny Jardines' canoe trip down the Kazan River, summer 2001, paddling 560 miles in 25 days Across the Barrenlands of sub-arctic Canada. A key feature with these trips is the urge to explore and discover, traveling day after day without seeing another person. The beauty of the Barrenlands, its lakes and rivers are incomparable. We love the feeling of openness that goes on and on for hundreds of miles. The feeling that we have practically the whole river - all 560-miles of it - to ourselves. Every stopping place is new, different and fresh. What a privilege to have so much land to explore and enjoy.

IUA Hiking & Biking Adventure
Canada to Mexico thru Idaho, Utah, Arizona
63 days, 2,000 miles

IUA Hiking & Biking Adventure
Bicycling Trip #1
IUA Hike & Bike, Canada to Mexico Through Idaho, Utah and Arizona. After Hiking for a Month Through Idaho, Generally Along the Rugged Idaho/Montana Border, we came down of the mountains to the plains of northern Utah only to meet our nemesis - a lack of drinkable water caused by cattle pollution. After a gruling 24 hours without water, we turned back and managed to reach a town. Rather than abandon the journey, we bought mountain bikes at a x-mart for $149 each and switched to riding. What we did not expect was how much fun riding these bikes was! And even though the bikes were less than optimal, we averaged around 75 miles a day, with a high of 95 miles.

Greenland Adventures
On the Ice Cap
16 days

Greenland Adventures
Sledging and SnowKiting
Greenland Adventures: 17 days of Sledging and Kite Skiing, Pulling Sleds on the Ice Cap of Greenland, training for the upcoming trip to the South Pole.

Hiking the Continental Divide Trail
Canada to Mexico
117 days, 2,500 miles

Hiking the Continental Divide Trail
Thru-hike #3
Our third long-distance thru-hike, the Continental Divide Trail, CDT: Waterton Lakes Canada to Las Palmas Mexico. 2,500+ miles in 118 days. Route goes through the central Rockies from Canada to Mexico, through Montana Idaho Wyoming Colorado and New Mexico.

Climbing Vinson Massif
The highest peak in Antarctica
16,050 ft. (4,897 m)

Climbing Vinson Massif

Vinson Massif is the Highest Mountain in Antarctica. In the Wake of our South Pole Trip, I Didn't Want to Leave Antarctica Quite Yet, and Climbing the Highest Mountain Appealed to me Greatly. Never mind that I didn't have climbing boots and gear. I bought or borrowed them, and joined an incoming climbing group. The climb was a success, and in retrospect I might have been the first person to ski to the South Pole and Climb Antarctica's Highest Mountain in a Single Trip. Never mind that, it was a lot of fun!

2014-07 GDRx2 Alberta
The Great Divide Route (there and back)
28 days, 6,323 miles

2014-07 GDRx2 Alberta
Motorcycling Adventure #14
Ray's 28-Day Motorcycle Trip Along the Great Divide Route (GDR) (Continental Divide) from Antelope Wells, New Mexico to Banff, AB Canada, and Return along much the Same Route.

Motorcycling Coast to Coast - Twice
22 days, 7,300 miles

Motorcycling Adventure #1
Motorcycling Twice Across the US, from Arizona to Georgia, then North to Ride the Tail of the Dragon and Blue Ridge Parkway, then West to California and back to Arizona.

Great Divide, ALCAN and Dalton, and Costal Highways
40 days, 10,700 miles

Motorcycling Adventure #2
Motorcycling to New Mexico to Join the Great Divide Route (GDR) at Silver City. Then Following the GDR in General Terms North to Montana, then once in Canada visiting Banff and Jasper National Parks. Then on to Fairbanks Alaska and the Dalton Highway "Haul Road" to Deadhorse and Prudhoe Bay at the Arctic Ocean. The return trip took me south back through Canada and Vancouver Island, then followed the coast down to Southern CA, then back to Arizona.

Jennys First Moto Trip
AZ to CO
4 days, 750 miles

Jennys First Moto Trip
Motorcycling Adventure #3
Jenny's first motorcycling road trip, 750 miles in 4 days to Colorado and back to Arizona.

Motorcycling Mainland Mexico and Baja Peninsula
10 days, 1,800 miles

Motorcling Trip #4
A Ten-Day Motorcycle Trip Down into Mainland Mexico, Ferrying Across the Sea of Cortez to La Paz, then Return North along the Baja Peninsula to California.

Hermosillo, Mexico to Basaseachic
6 days

Motorcycling Adventure #5
A Six-Day Trip, Motorcycling through Mainland Mexico.

Motorcycling Canyonlands
Monument Valley, Capitol Reef, Arches
7 days, 1,500 miles

Motorcycling Canyonlands
Motorcycling Adventure #6
A 7-Day Motorcycle Trip to Monument Valley, Capitol Reef, Canyonlands, and Arches National Parks.

Motorcycling the Four Corners
Florida - Maine -Washington - California
20 days, 8,500 mi.

Motorcycling the Four Corners
Motorcycling Adventure #7
A 20-Day Solo Motorcycle Trip Around the Country, Touching the States of Florida, Maine, Washington and California.

Motorcycling CA Mountains & Coast
North through Sierras, South along the Pacific Coast.
11 days, 3,282 miles

Motorcycling CA Mountains & Coast
Motorcycling Adventure #9
An 11-Day Motorcycle Trip along the Length of California, North Through the Sierras then South along the Pacific Coast.

Motorcycling TAT-CO
Challenging Dirt Roads Through Colorado
8 days, 2,073 miles

Motorcycling TAT-CO
Motorcycling Adventure #10
A Solo Motorcycle Trip along the Colorado TAT.

Motorcycling the Western TAT
Through Utah, Nevada, and Oregon
15 days, 3,647 mi.

Motorcycling the Western TAT
Motorcycling Adventure #11
A 15-Day Solo Motorcycle Trip along the TAT Through Utah, Nevada, and Oregon.

2014-09 GDRx2 Columbus-Roosville
The Great Divide Route (there and back)
20 days, 5,222 mi.

2014-09 GDRx2 Columbus-Roosville
Motorcycling Adventure #15
Ray's 20-Day Motorcycle Trip Along the Great Divide Route (GDR) from Columbus at the Mexican border to Roosville at the Canadian Border, and Return along much the Same Route.

Flight of the Errant Torpedoes
Baja de los Angeles to La Paz
26 days, 480 miles

Flight of the Errant Torpedoes
Baja Sea-Kayaking Adventure #4
Having learned much from my previous struggles in Baja, this trip proved to be one of my finest. John and Al were new to kayaking, but in the ensuing days and weeks they became highly proficient. South of Loreto John became inadvertently separated from Al and me, and spent the next five days paddling solo. We found each-other just ten miles from La Paz.

Dont Break Rule #1
San Felipe to La Paz
23 days, 680 miles

Dont Break Rule #1
Baja Sea-Kayaking Adventure #8
Ed and I Paddled Single Kayaks Nearly the Full Length of Baja. Ed had never kayaked before, but he was a fast learner and had an experienced partner :) We made an excellent team and had a most enjoyable trip.

Sea Kayaking Mackenzie River & Arctic Coast
Down the Mackenzie River & Along the Arctic Coast
36 days, 1,175 miles

Sea Kayaking Mackenzie River & Arctic Coast
Northern Paddling Adventure #4
Ray and Jenny paddled their homemade sea-kayak "Nunaluk" down Canada's Mackenzie River, 975 miles in 24 days from Ft. Providence to Inuvik. Then they float-planed to their turn-around point of the previous summer on the coast, then paddled to Tuk - 200 miles in 12 days. East of Tuk the ice was solid and looked like it would stay that way. So they switched to plan B: paddling one of the inland rivers.

Canoeing Thelon River
Lynx lake to Baker Lake
24 days, 575 miles

Canoeing Thelon River
Northern paddling Adventure #5
Continuing Northern paddling trip #4: Thwarted by polar pack ice on the coast, Ray and Jenny switched to plan B, which was to paddle one of the inland rivers. We tried to air cargo the kayak to Yellowknife, but after waiting in Yellowknife a week for the yak to arrive (got in a ton of great hiking) we arranged to truck the yak home. Unfortunately most of our gear was in the kayak. We went to the Wal-Mart and bought a cheap canoe, paddles, life jackets and rubber boots. And at a grocery we bought a month's supply of food. The next morning (July 25) we float planed to Lynx lake, the headwaters of the Thelon River. Then we paddled 575 miles down the Thelon in 24 days to the Inuit hamlet of Baker Lake, near Hudson Bay.

Adventures on Mt. Aconcagua
Mountain Climbing
Three Weeks, 22,025 ft,

Adventures on Mt. Aconcagua

In the wake of my Antarctica trips (skiing to the South Pole and Climbing Vinson Massif) I wasn't quite ready to return home, so I stopped by Aconcagua to give it a try. I had a great time, but discovered that I wasn't acclimatizing to the high altitudes fast enough, no doubt due to the extreme energy drain of skiing to the pole. Nevertheless I climbed to 22,025 feet, (within 300 meters of the summit).

Argentina Adventures
Mountain Climbing in the Andes
Two Months, 21,000 ft.

Argentina Adventures

Jenny and I Spent Two Months Climbing in the Andes, out of Mendoza, Argentina. We started in the Cordón del Plata Region, and lived and climbed at high altitudes, up to 21,000 ft.

4,000 Miles of Dirt
Continental Divide to the Canadian Border
17.5 days, 4,853 miles

4,000 Miles of Dirt
Motorcycling Adventure #8
Ray's 18-Day Motorcycle Trip Along the Continental Divide Route (CDR) from Colorado to the Canadian Border, and Return along the Same Route.

Father's Memorial Ride
Motorcycling Adventure #12

2013-07 GDRx2 tagalong
The Great Divide Route (x2)
20 days, 4,756 miles

2013-07 GDRx2 tagalong
Motorcycling Adventure #13
Ray's 20-Day Motorcycle Trip Along the Great Divide Route (GDR) (Continental Divide) from Arizona to the Canadian Border, and Return along the Same Route.

2015-09 GDRx2-FW
Great Divide Route and etc.
30 days, 6,287 mi.

2015-09 GDRx2-FW
Motorcycling Adventure #16
Ray's 30-Day Motorcycle Trip Along the Great Divide Route (GDR) and Forever W., to the Canadian Border and Return.

Motorcycling Baja Peninsula
9 days, 2,034 miles

Motorcycling Adventure #17
A Nine-Day Motorcycle Trip into Baja.

Great Divide Route and etc.
17 days, 4,453 mi.

Motorcycling Adventure #18
Motorcycle Trip Along the Great Divide Route (GDR) and Forever W., and Return.

2019-09 GDR Nisus
Great Divide Route and etc.
19 days, 3,300 mi.

2019-09 GDR Nisus
Motorcycling Adventure #19
Motorcycle Trip Along the Great Divide Route (GDR) and Forever W., and Return.

Trip to Kingman
Motorcycling Adventure #20
Motorcycle Trip to Kingman on the LT.

Iron Butt SS-1000
Ray's Winter Solstice Iron Butt Motorcycle Ride
A Thousand Miles in Under 24 Hours

Iron Butt SS-1000
Motorcycling Adventure #21
Iron Butt SS-1000 Motorcycle Ride on the LT.

Hiking the John Muir Trail
Through the Sierra Mountains of California
10 days

Hiking the John Muir Trail

Ten Days Hiking the John Muir Trail (JMT) Through the Sierra Mountains of California.

Snowkiting Adventures
Skis, Wind and Kites

Snowkiting Adventures

Wind, Kites and Skis: Ray and Jenny Jardine's Snowkiting Adventures.

Hiking the Appalachian Trail #4 (part 2/3)
Harpers Ferry WV to Lincoln NH
44 days, 777 miles

Hiking the Appalachian Trail #4 (part 2/3)
AT Section Hiking
Hiking Adventure #9, the Appalachian Trail (#4b) early-season.

Hiking the Appalachian Trail #4 (part 3/3)
Lincoln NH to Katahdin
24 days, 389 miles

Hiking the Appalachian Trail #4 (part 3/3)
AT Section Hiking
Hiking Adventure #9, the Appalachian Trail (#4c).

Building a Shop

Building a Large Shop, Doing Most of the Work Ourselves.

Primitive Skills
Living in the Wilds

Primitive Skills

Primitive Skills, Living in the Wilds, Making a Debris Hut, Bow Drill Fire.

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